Wednesday, May 27, 2009

23 weeks!

At 23 weeks...
*Haven is developing her lungs
*Could be viable outside the womb!!! The chances aren't great, but they are there- and each week will get better and better!
*I am feeling large but fantastic!
*I am at 133 pounds (+13 lbs total gain....ahhhh! I only gained 23 total w/ Venily!)

Haven is getting really good at hearing outside noises! She kicks away when she hears music or her sister crying! :)

The other day I was riding in the van and flipping through the stations. Venily heard some stupid 80's rock song and I tried to change it, but she wanted it back on! So.... I turned it back on to avoid a fight and looked in the back mirror to see her head-banging away back there... and at the same time little Haven started kicking away. It melted my heart to have my 2 girls dancing at the same time! ♥

Haven has reached the bottom of my ribs now and LOVES to kick them when I bend over or lean forward! Her FAVORITE place to be is with her head on the left (when I look down) and her feet kicking my right side, she is always laying sidesways like that, just like Venily was at this point (my uterus must be comfortable that way)! I absolutely love it when she starts getting really crazy and I can feel her legs kicking on the right and her arms punching on the left! ♥ She has been kicking sooo much lately and it is getting REALLY strong, I am already getting so emotional that this might be my last pregnancy- I love feeling her kick inside me soooooo much! Though she is now waking me up several times a night... I think she gets bored in there when I'm just laying still! Jason is being less of a baby and will feel her kick now without getting weirded out, but I'm sure that will change in like 10 weeks when her foot is sticking a couple of inches out of my side- haha!

I need it to warm up so I can wear skirts or I need to buy some bigger pants (or some darn maternity pants that fit me!). I have ripped 2 pairs of pants already... haha! I am not one of those people that can walk around in pajama pants all day... but that is starting to look like a better option all the time!

Ooooh! And I got my first pregnancy comment from someone who didn't know I was pregnant! We were at ChocolateFest this past weekend and Jason's friend asked Jason if I was! Not that it's not blatantly obvious now, but it still makes me feel good that people are aware that I'm pregnant and not just oddly shaped! :)

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