Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Can't sleep!!

I've been up for a while with some pretty strong contractions!! I didn't want to wake Jason up because he would just have me rush to the hospital. He keeps telling me that he doesn't care if we end up there 10 times for false labor, as long as we make it there in time for the real labor! :) I, on the other hand, DO care! I don't think I'm in labor though, my body is just getting ready for the real thing.... but I will stay up a bit longer just in case! ;) I'm really wishing I would have bought that digital kitchen timer at the store, I had one to time Venily's contractions and I loved it! Maybe the next time I go to the store... or my phone probably has one on there... I'm tired! I don't want any middle of the night babies!

I'm 37 weeks today!!!! Will update more later... I'm still having contractions, but I think I'm going to go eat something and see if I can't fall back to sleep! I'm too tired to have any babies right now!


  1. Oh my gosh! Once you go into labor, Im going to start freaking out! Cant we stay pregnant forever?! Are you getting scared about labor? Are you all packed and ready?!

  2. I'm not scared about labor exactly (I have a pretty good idea of what to expect)... I'm more scared about everything going smoothly. Once I'm at the hospital, with my stuff and Jason and have someone to watch Venily, I will be fine! And once I see Haven and know that she is healthy... every once in a while I get a panicked feeling about it (which I know doesn't ever go away, even after she's born!)!
