Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Potty Training Day 7!


Okay, this will be my last day-to-day potty training update, as promised!! :)

Yesterday marked one week since we started potty training Venily!!! She did good in the morning and at night while we were home, though she did have her first real accident and peed in her panties! :( We were out of the house most of the day and she made me take her into the bathroom a million times and actually went once at Red Robin's and twice at Jacki and Jake's!!! So already she seems to get the whole concept. Hopefully as we keep practicing she will have me take her less and less and go more and more! :)

I have come to realize that there are 3 main components to this potty training thing: *1. Home Training *2. Out of the House Training and *3. Sleep Training. She has got #1 done pretty well and I can safely say that as long as she is in our house, she will NEVER again wear diapers unless it's for sleeping!!!! THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!!! #2 we will continue to work on all summer and hopefully have down by the time Haven comes. and #3 we will leave up to Venily!! As soon as she starts waking up with more dry diapers, I will give her a try with sleeping in panties. I am in no rush though and do not like to do more laundry than necessary!

It seems like going on the potty is actually helping her with her pooping a million times a day problem as well! She has only been pooping 2-3 times a day since we started and a lot more is coming out at once! She also hasn't had ANY diarrhea this last week even though she has been eating a lot of dairy foods so I think I'm going to try regular whole milk today... maybe... (if I'm feeling brave enough!)... I think I'll mix it half and half with her lactose-free milk and see how that goes!

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