Wednesday, April 29, 2009

19 weeks- THIS IS THE WEEK!!!!

My baby is...
*10 inches long (total length!)
* Almost half-baked! :)

I hope my baby isn't scrunched up like this, lol!...
I was talking with one of the moms at Venily class today about her children (one is a little over 2 and one is a couple of months old) and they happened to be 22 months apart!! Venily and Baby #2 are going to be 23 months apart and it was so great to be able to see the 2 girls together and have her tell me how much she likes their age difference and how it hasn't been very bad at all! I feel soooooo reassured now!!!! Here is this woman who I feel like will be me in like 7 months- totally happy, totally put together, and out and about still bringing her children to classes and stuff! I have been imagining that it would be really hard for like a year but that later down the road will be so much easier since my kids will always have each other to play with and occupy each other and stuff. But now I am so much more confident about that 1st year, it's going to be so much fun, I can't wait!!! And Venily is going to be the BEST big sister ever!

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 129lbs (9lb total gain- YES!! That's the exact same that I was with Venily at this point!)
Maternity clothes? No, but some pants I have to use a hair tie now, even when I don't feel sick!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Good. Though my little one thought last night when I layed down was a good time to start its gymnastics routine so I couldn't sleep for 20 minutes while she/he flipped and flipped over and over again.... but I LOVE it so I'm definitely not complaining!! :)
Best moment this week: IFeeling all the kicking and moving which is getting SO strong!!
YES!! All the time!!! Baby's are supposed to sleep for like 20 hours a day at this point, but I really don't think mine does at all! It's always moving all around! I'm in soooo much trouble! :)
Food cravings: Apples, cake, caffeine free pepsi
Gender Thoughts: I still think GIRL!!!! Only 2 more days to find out and know for sure!!!
Labor Signs: None
How are you feeling on a scale 1-10? 9.5. Some headaches at night still but they aren't nearly as bad as they were. Lower back pain after I walk. Round ligament pain if I move really suddenly or sneeze or something.
What I miss: Anything I'm not supposed to have!
What I am looking forward to: Hmmm.... that's tough! HAHA! Just kidding! 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL MY ULTRASOUND!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Time goes by so much faster when you have an 18m old to look after. I can't believe how fast these last 2 weeks have gone by.... they were pure torture when I was pregnant with Venily, I seriously thought the ultrasound day would never come! Now I just need to keep myself busy for 2 more days!
Milestones: I think I look very pregnant now!! Though no one has yet said anything that didn't already know I was pregnant...
Differences from 1st pregnancy:
No new differences I can think of!

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