Friday, April 3, 2009

15w, 2d Pregnancy Comparison!

Wow, NOT what I was expecting! I tried to recreate the picture as closely as I could, but I DEFINITELY seem to look smaller this time around! I started out about 6lbs lighter than I did with Venily so that could be one reason. Also my uterus was tilted back with Venily so maybe that has something to do with it? I'll think I'll do another one at 17w, 3d since that's my next Venily pic!

(You can click on the picture to see it bigger)


  1. Wow they say you show sooner with your second but I think you are an exception! You defiantly look bigger last time. Well, rounder. You must be carrying different this time.

  2. Yeah, I know! So weird- it's got me kind of worried now! Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to take these pictures, lol!
