Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tooth #10

 This is what we see all day long...
She CONSTANTLY has a finger way back in her mouth... sometimes on one side, sometimes the other!

Haven finished cutting one side of her bottom right molar yesterday.  I am "counting" her molars as soon as she cuts an entire side since molars are so big, lol.  So right now she has her top and bottom molars on her right side and both on her left side are close, super swollen, and the top left is starting to cut through.  It is torture!!!!  :(  I absolutely HATE seeing her in pain.  Today she was okay until noon, just biting on her fingers and stuff and then she started saying "OWWW!  OWWWW!  OWWWW!" with her fingers in her mouth and tears on her face and I just wanted to cry with her!  I gave her some Ibuprofen and Orajel and she was back to just biting her fingers again!  It looks super painful too.  She is not taking great naps because of it, but is still sleeping over 12 hours straight during the nights!!

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