Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In denial...

I've been avoiding writing anything on here and avoiding looking at the calendar!!!!  I should have my baby's 1 year update almost done since her birthday is only a few days away, but I just can't even look at it!  If I don't think about it, it won't happen... right?!

Anyway, Venily drew the most awesome person I've ever seen while at the bank today!!!!!!!  It was amazing!  I almost cried!  They have a little kids area with toys at the bank and she drew it on their magnadoodle.  You have no idea how badly I wanted to steal it and bring it home with me or go back out to me car, grab my camera, bring it back in and take a picture of it, lol!  Since being in school she has really taken an interest again in drawing (she'd had stopped for quite some time).  I'm excited because I want to start working on drawing letters with her soon!


  1. OMGosh!! I was just talking to a friend today, and I told her that I am in complete denial of the fact that Sage is turning one in a week!! So sad :( Our babies are growing up :(

  2. Agreed! We'll just ignore their age from now on! Most people don't admit their age past like 30 or 40 so we can do the same thing with a 1 year old, right?! HAHA! I'm only excited for her party, not the big girl part!
