Sunday, November 20, 2011


My sister Lisa is home after being across the country for 10 months working for Americorps!  I only got to see her for a few days in July, other than that she has been busy working in the east coast and in the south on different service projects.  The girls sent her videos and Skyped with her a few times and talked about her ALL the time, but I was surprised at just how much they acted like she never had left!  She came home on Friday and as soon as she walked in the door, Haven ran up and hugged her.  Then I had to leave to bring Venily to school 30 minutes after she had got here and she wanted to stay at my house with Haven while I left.  I didn't think Haven was going to go for that but she couldn't have cared less!  I LOVE having another person to be able to watch after the girls if I need to quick run somewhere or something!  I am SOOOOO glad she's back!!  (even though she's leaving for Colorado next summer for a year! :(  )

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