Friday, February 11, 2011

She can sing the whole alphabet now!!!!

Sooooo proud of her!! ♥

The best I was able to get on video is of her singing A-V and then she coughs up a piece of popcorn and thinks it's a ladybug and gets all distracted, lol!  (Well, a few weeks ago when I was sick and laying in bed and Jason came to check in on me we heard Venily yell "Haven just ate a ladybug", so it's not like it hasn't happened before, lol).  Venily started singing the whole alphabet at 20 months!  Gosh, I thought Venily was early at everything and Haven has consistently done everything even faster... but her big sister does make a really great teacher! :)

And here are 2 videos where you can hear her counting to 10 and saying 13 and 14.  I really wish I had a video editing program but you get the idea, lol! :)  She's been counting to 10 for me all day today!  ♥

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