Saturday, January 31, 2009


Uhhhh.... what did I say at 6 weeks? That I WANTED to throw up or something along those lines?! Well, I haven't thrown up yet, but I see that coming in my near future! I am getting SOOOO nauseous at EVERYTHING!!! It's especially worse at night and right away in the morning. I've been sooooo close to throwing up and I just keep willing myself not to because I hate it so much. The smell of almost everything sets me off. Especially ketchup, spaghetti sauce, and Venily diapers! I gag so much when I have to change Venily, it's horrible! I need that little girl potty trained ASAP!! She hasn't pooped on her potty yet though. There was a week when she was sick and we were out of the house so much that she didn't even pee in it, but she is starting to go back on it again. She tells us when she has to go all of the time, but sometimes we're a little too late. She woke me up at 6:00am yesterday morning saying "pot, POT!!" (potty) and running towards the door. I was so tired but I got up with her and took her in there and she went!!! She's done that a couple mornings now, so that's FANTASTIC!! I can't wait until Spring so I can just have her run around in nothing but a shirt and put some SERIOUS thought into this whole potty-training thing!!

I called my doctor on Friday to set up my first prenatal appointment and blood test, but I am still waiting for them to call me back. Hopefully I can schedule my appointment on Monday, I'm really looking forward to having some expert confirmation, lol! I still have both of my pregnancy tests in a drawer in my bathroom and I check on them everyday to make sure I'm still pregnant! I know I'm crazy!!!

Do you know what I've been thinking about lately that didn't cross my mind while I was wanting another baby so badly? We don't have closet space for another baby! Lol, isn't that the weirdest thing to be concerned about? I just finally got all of Venily's clothes to fit nicely into her large closet and dresser and now I'm wondering what's going to happen when I need to fit another entire wardrobe in there as well. I swear, of all the things to be worried about... haha!

Well, I'm going to go clean my toilet while Venily is napping since I have a feeling I'm going to be up close to it soon and if it is even the remotest bit dirty it will make me throw up even more!!!

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