Friday, January 02, 2009 3:47 AM
![]() | Current mood: ![]() Category: Life I feel weird not having written anything on my babyhomepage site for over a month! So I am updating here now! I am still working on getting my new website in order and will let you know when I do. We moved into our new house a couple of days before Xmas!! Just in time and I ABSOLUTELY love it!!! Actually that's an understatement!! It is perfect and I can't even describe how much healthier I feel here! My in-laws are great, but living with them for 8 months in a house that is not mine was really starting to get to me at the end. There was so much there that Venily could get into and so much I couldn't do that I wanted to. I felt so trapped, especially when the weather got cold and it got harder and harder to get out of the house and Jason was working on the house 24/7 so I was alone a lot. BUT NOW..... I feel so much lighter, free to do whatever I want now and free to let Venily be who she is, a crazy little girl who needs to explore everything!! I just love it!!! I'm developing some major OCD cleaning and organizing and making it perfect for us, but I don't care! We still have a lot of boxes to go through though! 70% of everything we own is still in boxes in the basement and at my in-laws', but if we haven't used it in 8 months, how important could it really be? I would just love to throw it all away, haha, but I know I could never do that! Venily is great as always!!! She is so amazing! She is 14 months and knows a couple hundred words now and is putting more 2 word combos together like "all done", "love you", "more please", "hi dada", stuff like that. She is definitely verbal!!! People are always surprised at her age because she talks so much, haha, doesn't get that from her Mommy! She is also VERY social which she also does not get from her Mommy! :) She is in a big girl bed since moving into the new house and does good in it. She hasn't fallen out ever and it's nice that she can get out on her own and play in her room when she wakes up from naps. We leave our doors open at night too so at like 5:00 in the morning I usually open my eyes and see Venily's little body come running into our room. I like when she is all excited and says "MAMA!" and comes running up to me and kisses me. Sometimes I don't even wake up when she climbs into bed with us, haha and am surprised to see her there in the morning! She is doing surprisingly well having NEVER slept in her own room though EVER before moving into this house. She is also really responsive now and responds to EVERYTHING. Definitely a little person with a mind of her own. I ask her questions all the time and she loves to tell me yes or no. She also likes to pick things out. Like what she wants to eat or what she wants to wear. It's so funny to watch her think about her choice. She puts her hand on her chin, taps her lip with her finger and says "hmmmmm" like she's thinking, it's HILARIOUS!! She is a great eater (eats almost anything) and is tall and thin like her parents!! We took her to the doctor a couple of weeks ago to get her lactose issues figured out and it appears that she does in fact have a sensitivity to lactose. We don't know if this is something that will go away eventually or if it is something she will always have (hopefully not, since we are already vegetarians, I don't want her to have to watch what she eats even more). She is on Lactaid which is whole milk w/ the lactose taken out and she is doing really well with that!! I'm so happy! We just have to watch what she eats and make sure she doesn't get too much lactose so we avoid cheese and dairy. But she can tolerate it as an ingredient in some foods as long as it's not like the main ingredient. She is also starting to get into pretend play, which is so fun!! She loves to play with her Little People and play with them in her house.... making them take baths, kiss each other, making the dog and cat eat out of the pet food bowl, it's so fricken cute, I love it! Kids are SOOOO fun at this age!!! :) I bought her a potty training seat the other day and hope to start potty training her in the Spring when she'll be wearing less clothes and able to run around outside more. She already brings us diapers when she wants to be changed and sometimes before she poops. The other day, before I got her potty chair she said "per, per" (diaper) and then looked like she was starting to poop so I asked her if she had to poop. She said yes and I asked her if she wanted to poop on the toilet. She looked excited and ran into the bathroom. But when I put her on the big toliet she got scared, haha, also it was really cold so I thought a little potty would be better for her. I hope she catches on quickly. I don't mind changing diapers at all, but I definitely don't want to have 2 kids in diapers- so that is our goal!! Venily has been a little fussy lately because she is getting her molars in! Wow was I surprised when I saw a little tooth way back in there the first time. I had figured they would keep popping up next to each other until her whole mouth was full. She now has 2 molars in on top (one on each side, as of today) and one on the bottom is almost through. She chews on her hands and everything she can because they bother her so much. I've been giving her Tylenol and that helps, but I really can't wait for them to hurry up and pop through. The one side was so bruised and swollen that Jason and I got freaked out and actually called the doctor! It looks so much better today though, now that the tooth has popped through! That's got to hurt, my poor little honey!
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