Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September 2, 2008 (Venily is 10 months, 2 weeks, 6 days old)

41 Days left until Venily's first birthday and counting!!!!

Venily is getting her top right tooth in! I just noticed it yesterday. It hasn't poked through yet, but there is a bump and you can see the red line. Any day now I should feel that sharp little tooth! Her left tooth looks like it's coming in too! Yay, top teeth, lol! Maybe they will be in in time for her birthday?! haha. I KNEW she was teething, some days they really seem to bother her. She has also been biting a lot again lately while nursing (and not). I'm glad she got teeth in late so I could nurse the whole year, otherwise that would have been REALLY hard!!! If these teeth come in like the last ones did I might have to start pumping at 11 months! I'm thinking I should maybe start pumping any way to transition her from me to a sippy cup of milk any way. I have a feeling it's going to be SOOOO hard! I'm not looking forward to it.

We got all of our appliances and furniture for our new house!!!! We were at Colder's on Sunday FOREVER but now it's all done! And I'm really happy with everything that we got. We got a refrigerator, stove, washer & dryer (both front loading so we can stack them!), sofa & love seat (in sage), coffee table, 2 end tables, and 3 rugs!! Our house comes with a dishwasher and microwave, so we're all set. That's a huge thing crossed off our list! The only thing we have left to buy is a dining room table and chairs, but we need to wait for our house any way to check the size. I just want them to bring us our house now!!!

OH!! And I let Venily have her first taste of chocolate today!! SO NOW EVERYBODY CAN LEAVE ME ALONE, LOL! I was eating this chocolate yogurt thing with my lunch while Venily was eating her lunch and she kept pointing at it and saying "more". Well, I tried giving her EVERYTHING else, but she was very persistant and kept pointing at it and saying "MORE, MORE". LOL! So I ate most of it and there was only a tiny bit left in there and I gave her the container with a spoon. She was scrapping it around, and getting little bits of it. At first she didn't know what to think of it, but then she was going crazy for it and by the end I had to give her a bath because she had it ALL over her face! HAHA! So.... I ruined her forever and she's doomed to be just like her Mommy! :) I STRONGLY dislike giving her anything like that and still don't want her to have a real birthday cake, but will probably cave in and get her one anyway! She is SUCH a great eater though and I don't want to ruin that. She LOVES everything that I give her (tomatoes, onions, zuchinni, green beans, peas, carrots, just EVERYTHING), so why would I want to mess that up? I have turned into such a health freak since having her and don't even like her eating white bread! She is getting way too smart for me.... pretty soon if I don't want her eating anything bad, I'm going to have to completely cut it out of my diet as well!

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