October 27, 2007 (Venily 2 weeks old)
Venily is already 2 WEEKS OLD TODAY, I can't even believe how fast the time has gone!!! Her cord has completely fallen off and I'm really excited that I can finally give her a real bath now! I might do it tonight or maybe tomorrow when Jason is home and can help me. I have a feeling that she is going to hate it because she HATES even getting her diaper or clothes changed. She likes to be covered up at all times! I think I'm going to run the hot water in the bathroom for a while to get it all steamy and warm in there before I give her a bath so hopefully she'll like it more.
She's also getting good at holding up her head for short bits at a time. When she's awake, she LOVES to lay on my shoulder and look around at everything with her big, beautiful eyes. She looks so cute and curious, lol! Jason is convinced that she looks just like him, but I'm not too sure. I want to see newborn pics of Jason to compare her! She looks nothing like I did as a newborn though.
Tomorrow Venily is going trick-or-treating with Matthew and Kaitlyn and she's really excited about it! Cathy and her family got her a really cute pumpkin Halloween costume! I can't wait to see what she looks like in it!
Venily is still sleeping really good at night. She just moves around a little and makes little noises when she's hungry, which wakes me up. Then I usually change her (which she hates and usually cries the whole time) but as soon as I button her clothes back up she is happy, then I feed her and burp her and she falls right back to sleep for another 3 hours or so! Today we went grocery shopping for the first time together and that went well too. It's a bit more stressful, but she was only fussy for a little bit and slept the majority of the time. I definitely won't be shopping on a Saturday again if I can help it though.
Monday is Venily's 2 week doctor follow up visit! I can't wait to see how much she's grown!! I still haven't put up my pictures, but I will soon! Oh, and I got her announcements done. I'm not really impressed with them. Walmart screwed them up like they usually do with all of my pictures. I ordered 50 and the first 50 they did too light and so they did another 50 that are too dark. So, they gave me all of them. Oh well! I made an online announcement too that you can look at if you are interested:
I also submitted her info to the Kenosha News and The Journal Times so please keep a look out for her birth announcement in those two papers and let me know if you find them (I'm not sure if I get either of those papers)!
I wanted to get newborn pictures of Venily done, but seeing as she is already 2 weeks I don't think I'm going to. :( But, I will be getting her 1 month pictures taken in 2 weeks!