Saturday, November 3, 2007

November 3, 2007 (Venily 3 weeks old)

Venily is 3 weeks old today and gets cuter and sweeter by the day! She is already getting so big, I wish I could slow down time so she'd stay this little for longer!! She is sleeping for one 5 hour stretch at night most nights which is awesome! Then she wakes up and eats and sleeps for another 2-3 hours, so I can't complain at all! Her most wakeful time is in the morning. She just loves to eat and be held all morning long! Then she sleeps pretty good in the afternoon and I try to get stuff done around the house. But sometimes she just wants me to hold her all the time so I'm getting good at doing things one-handed, lol. Right now she is on her Boppy pillow around my waist, eating while I type this!

On November 1st Venily and I woke up and turned on the radio to find that they are already playing Christmas music!! Now, while I am usually annoyed by Christmas music before Thanksgiving, it actually made me really excited. I can't believe that she is going to have her first Christmas soon. I can cry just thinking about it... and she already has 2 really cute Christmas outfits that I can't wait to see her in. So, on that morning we listened to Christmas music all morning long! I can't wait to celebrate all the upcoming holidays with our beautiful little girl.

Some day I'll update this site and make it pretty again, I promise, lol! I just have too much going on right now! :)

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